No matter how hard you try to prevent your bike from being stolen, there’s a good chance at some stage in your riding career, some low life will attempt to pinch it. To at least see where that low life would be taking my ride I installed a Moni Moto Smart GPS Tracker. A unit sits in the bike and connects to a FOB in my hydration pack and whenever the two are split up, I’m alerted. While my bike has never left my garage without me since having it, I’ve done some pretend stealing and can confirm the system is excellent and works perfectly.


Size The unit you put in the bike is about the size of a pack of playing cards and can be hidden near the battery. The FOB is about the size of a 50 cent piece.

Durable I’ve been blown away at how tough the unit that sits inside the bike actually is. I’ve crashed a million times and been through rivers up to my seat and it still works perfectly.

Setup and connection All you need to do to pair the two parts and run the system is the Moni Moto App. Then the two talk to each other over their own bluetooth.

Battery You do not need to hard wire this system into your dirtbike battery, risking the chance of it draining the battery. It runs off its own AA Batteries and Moni Moto reckon you should get 12 months of use! Mine are still fine.

Alerts If your bike leaves the garage without the fob, you are sent an alert to your phone and receive a phone call from Moni Moto in case you miss the alert. You can then opt to track your bike!

Cost In my first report on this device I told you it was free to run. That was wrong, it is not free, I was on a three month free deal before having to pay! The cost is actually $79 for 12 months which is pretty darn cheap anyway.


Coverage The system comes with an embedded eSIM card that covers most parts of the world, where 2G and 4G networks are available. That being said, I went to somewhere I knew I had no reception, triggered the alarm by moving my bike and never got a call. When I got back into reception I could track my bike and see the alerts.


This system is incredibly robust and worked perfectly every time. I couldn’t believe how accurate it was as soon as the bike was moved and the call and track system worked perfectly. When I moved my phone, FOB and receiver to an area with no reception I did have some problems but that was in the middle of a paddock on our farm. Back at the house we have WiFi so I could receive calls and texts.

Mitch Lees


