After 13 solid hours of riding I have finally experienced a minor issue. The small slim decal on the right-hand radiator shroud in the area that covers the fuel tank has come off on my 2023 Beta 390 Racing long term test bike. I stepped off the bike for a rest mid-ride and noticed something stuck to the inside of the right knee of my pants. As far as wear and tear goes, this is really minor and it does not affect the performance of the bike, nor does it make the bike bad.

The positive in this is that I guess I was really hanging onto the bike with my knees. While this bike is incredibly good and really great fun to ride, it is kind of boring to report on because it just keeps doing everything so damn well. The one constant that does keep appearing every single time I ride it around others is the questioning if it is any good.

I love the curiosity other riders have about the 390 Racing and I think part of that comes from Beta still being largely considered a boutique brand. In my mind I think Beta is mainstream. While the brand may not have the history of the big four Japanese brands here in Australia, it is hard to look past it when you consider Beta has claimed consecutive Enduro World Championships since 2016. In fact, only one other brand has claimed the EnduroGP title (overall win) on one occasion since 2017. Beta consistently dominates at the elite enduro level.

What does that mean to riders like me? Well I think consistent championships on the world stage definitely gives Beta some bragging rights. It also opens the door to curious riders that might otherwise be riding another brand because that is all they know.

I have said it before and I will probably say it many times again, the Beta RR390 Racing represents incredible value when you line it up against the offerings from most other brands in the enduro bike category. When you buy a Racing model, there really is not much to spend. Here I am months down the track from my first ride on the 2023 Beta 390 Racing long term test bike and all I have done is regular servicing. The suspension is brilliant straight off the showroom floor and this engine is brilliant for my style of riding.

The 390cc capacity is probably the main factor when it comes to questions about this bike. Being a unique engine capacity is a real bonus in my opinion. It doesn’t pretend to be a 350cc or a 450cc, the 390 runs its own race and I doubt there would be a rider that didn’t appreciate it out in the bush where this bike thrives.

Speaking of bush, I have a great ride coming up. I don’t want to jinx myself so I will leave the details until next month but this will be the ride that will test my suspension setup and really let me know if I have it right or not. I am expecting loads of single track between trees, some hills, plenty of tree roots, an open fire trail and maybe even a bit of sandy track. I get excited just thinking out it.

For the full feature, check out issue #532 of ADB.

Stephen Tuff