My ideal riding weight is around 92-95kg. I’m about 188ccm tall and I’ve found in the past when I hover around this weight I feel more nimble and agile on the bike. But, for the last 12 months, and probably the Christmas fattening period I’ve hovered around 100kg. The extra five kilograms may not sound like a lot but when the manufacturers are doing everything they can to keep the weight of the bike I’m riding down by .01 of a gram, it would be negligent to just eat pies all day.

So I’ve started cutting back my meal sizes, eating cleaner and most importantly, riding everywhere. I live in a relatively flat area and that means I can pedal most places, leaving the car behind. There are a few hills and my mates all live five to ten kilometres apart so whenever I needed to visit them or the shops, which are three to four kilometres away, I’d jump in the car. But, hopping on an e-MTB has changed all that.

The EUNORAU UHVO goes about 25km/h which is fast enough for me on a pushbike. In fact, because I can jump between footpath and road, it actually takes roughly the same amount of time to get to where I need to go in the same time. I have Sydney traffic to thank for that. So I’m not giving up any time by riding the UHVO instead of driving the Triton.

I’ve had a slightly busy month so I’ve only gotten out for two proper mountain bike rides, the rest of my riding time has been commuting. I ride almost every day on the bike and have racked up over 420 kilometres on the UHVO in three months. The two actual mountain bike rides I’ve done have been on the trails off Wakehurst Parkway in Sydney. One thing that has quickly become apparent is that the UHVO is not a fully-fledged downhill mountain bike.

The motor is okay and the frame feels sturdy but the suspension is too soft to hit any decent jumps. I’m comfortable getting about a metre of air providing I can spot the landing. The brakes are the other part that makes me a little nervous about sending it downhill. The UHVO is under-braked and could do with a bigger disc.

The rest of the bike is holding up perfectly fine. I had a few gremlins in some of the wiring looms but after tugging on them from the bottom of the frame tube they’ve gone away. The nut that goes around the outside of the pedal shaft has also disappeared, more on that next time. For now, I’m just stoked it is still working well, the suspension is in good working order and the frame is in one piece.






Frame five years, battery two years










