Well just like the last month, my long-term test ADB GASGAS EC 250F has seen minimal maintenance, while the hour meter has clocked up another ten hours. Finke, work and commitments have kept me very busy the last few months in and out of the desert, meaning my GASGAS EC250F has only received washes, fresh air filters and one fresh drink of Motorex engine oil.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I was racing for a Japanese brand on their 250F, and I could not ride it for much longer than fifteen hours until the engine would need the head removed to receive a fresh set of valves so it could actually start again. Yet here I am riding this GasGas with very close to 100 hours on the hour meter, and it still performs as well as it did during the first few hours I had it. To top it off, it has not missed a beat along the way.

Generally, I am always adjusting and testing new and various parts on my long-term test bikes, however since my last addition of the WP 6500 cartridge kits I have not felt the urge to do a thing to this bike. I am that happy with the overall setup and feel over all kinds of tracks and terrain.

The biggest setting change I make depending on the track I am riding is what ignition map option I use. If I had to pick my favourite setting it would have to be the more aggressive Map2 option with TC activated. I find this power option gives the engine the strongest midrange and top end power, with a very smooth and gradual low end power delivery when I am on and off the throttle.

As I am very close to my twelve-month mark of having this little Gasser, I know my time is very limited with it before the GASGAS head office take it back. So for now, I am just going to enjoy every minute I get aboard it, ripping up whatever track I am on. From what I’ve seen from following the WEC Championship and reading between the lines the new GASGAS EC range for 2024 looks all new and really impressive. Hopefully if GASGAS take this one I can potentially replace it with one of them.

Ben Grabham





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